

5年間保証付きの非常用品セットTHE ARK III 固形食品1パック9ブロック1日3ブロック(1ブロック400kcal)喉が渇かない工夫。高タンパク低脂肪。-40度から145度まで温度差に耐える。水は6袋(大人1日2袋3日分)125cc 浄化殺菌加工
Opening a letter of year fifth.
A device not thirsty on the first of guaranteed for five years one emergency articles set THE ARK III solid food packing nine block by three blocks (one block 400kcal). High protein low fat. ?Temperatures fluctuate is endured from 40 to 145 degrees. It is year fifth though water paves purification sterilization processing [**] by six bags 125cc (On the third two bag on an adult the first).
It ate along with the exchange.
I ate about one block though the family stopped in short.
It was not unpalatable though was not delicious.
It is harmless because it is alive though a day passed ^^;.

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